where we live
Our Homes
During the pandemic, our homes became centres of wealth generation. When possible, we now work from our homes – which transforms the meaning of ‘at home’. In the post-* era, homes are where we work – while our CBDs become pleasure palaces for our leisure time. Almost all of us now operate ‘home businesses’ – with big implications for our families…

How we live
Our Families
The new post-* economic rearrangement touches all of our family relationships, reshaping households – and possibly even shaping our choice of partner. Will couples job-share, pursue joint-careers, launch many more family businesses? Work and home and family have blended together – again. The family has changed forever – and our lives already reflect that.

who we are
Our Lives
Before the pandemic, our lives answered to the needs of workplace – we mapped our personal lives around our work lives. In the post-* era, it’s exactly the opposite. To thrive in this new world, everyone needs to find new ways to gain new skills and build new relationships.

Three years ago…
The Leap
Ten weeks of global COVID-19 lockdowns in early 2020 will be remembered as among the most significant in history. They changed everything. We took a leap into the unknown, expecting to be ‘dead in the water’. But what happened turned out to be completely unexpected: we discovered new skills, new ways of working and living – and much about ourselves…

video explainer
Introducing ‘post-*’
A short, sharp 16-minute introduction to the big transformations framing our post-everything era.
go deep
More post-* resources

Take the ‘Deep Dive’
How do people see these big post-* transitions in their own lives? How are they finding ways to ‘lean in’ and thrive? Take a deep dive into a post-* world…

About Mark Pesce
Inventor, author, broadcaster – and futurist. Mark explores what’s happening to us – and shares what he’s learned.

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